Ritual and Anti-Ritual

Ritual and Anti-Ritual

The capacity to improvise is up at the top of the skills I advocate developing. If you read Keith Johnstone's book Impro, Improvisation for the Theater, you will notice that he is acutely aware of the process of conditioning. That is because improvisation is in the category of things that happen too fast for analysis. If you are making choices you are not improvising. If you are consulting a voice in your head you are actually experiencing a type of "freeze," your pre-frontal cortex is suppressing action. Improvisors leap before they look.

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Personal Update

I moved into a beautiful three bedroom home in a trailer park in Louisville which is about two minutes on the Denver side of Boulder, Colorado. The location is great, in general, and my wife works six minutes away at Dova Center. It has a big enclosed patio which I have dubbed the gym. It is big enough to teach small classes in and do videos. But the whole thing needs a lot of work, cleaning, construction, repair, painting, gardening, wiring, etc...a lot of work.

Since it is only me and my wife, there is an extra bedroom for guests. So now we can host guest teachers, and week/month long live-in students. It also has a good sized kitchen so I can teach Daoist cooking classes. Perhaps I can organize the gym so that it can double as a small improv theater space. 

My work load was already full, now it has doubled. If any of my contractor friends want to come out and mix a little training with a little work, I think we can make an awesome arrangement. 

I promise to keep blogging through the chaos.



The YMCA Consensus

The YMCA Consensus

Sometimes for an intellectual project to move forward, a whole body of study has to be given a proper name. In this post I intend to coin a new term, The YMCA Consensus.

In 2011 David Chapman wrote a fantastic summary of the conflicts in modern Buddhism in which he coined the term Consensus Buddhism. His work is a powerful investigation of the way religion and culture interact, and how East meets West. It is essential reading for people interested in the history, dissemination and evolution of martial arts. 

The problem I was confronting...

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Rooting Skeptic

Rooting Skeptic

How did I become a rooting skeptic? Twenty years ago I was giving private Northern Shaolin lessons to a high school football player. (His father happened to be on the public school board of one of the wealthiest school districts in the USA, so from a business point of view this was a high pressure gig.) The student had been training with me for a couple of months and I decided to work on rooting skills with him. The method I chose came from the Xingyi taught by Kumar Frantzis. It involved a progression of challenges where the two of us hold opposite ends of a staff and root against each other. The progressions involve stepping and twisting, opening and closing, bending and straightening. Frantzis had instructed that these exercises should be done until both people's root is so good that the staff breaks. Normally it takes a lot of practice to get that good.

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What are Muscles For?

What are Muscles For?

What are muscles for? And what do they actually do? Let's dispense with the conventional explanation first. Muscles are for strength. Perhaps, but that explanation isn't useful. We don't really need more strength. Okay, everyone can invent a situation where more strength would be handy, but for every situation we can also invent a work-around or a way to adapt without increasing strength. I'm not anti-strength here, we should all try to make each other stronger, smarter, richer and better looking.  I'm just saying it isn't a need. Being normal isn't a deficiency. Anyway, strength is relative. If you are doing athletic competition against people in your weight class, in most situations more muscle mass is an advantage. But that is a small part of the martial arts world. And to the contrary, it is the minimum promise of most martial arts classes that skill and training can confer more advantage than strength alone.

So if muscles aren't for strength what are they? What do they do? 

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Unconscious Re-Balancing

Unconscious Re-Balancing

We are capable of both conscious rebalancing and unconscious rebalancing. To stand on two feet requires constant rebalancing. In fighting, I always want to be doing at least these four things: targeting vulnerable areas, improving my position, compromising my opponent's structure, and unbalancing my opponent. Meanwhile, I want to keep my opponent rebalancing unconsciously.

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Why am I so anti-fajin?

Fajin is defined here as shoving, but it is using magic tricks to shove, so we might call it competitive-deceptive shoving, or technically-superior shoving.

If you do it entirely without uprooting it is just a tackle, it's physics, mass times velocity squared (MV2). Nothing wrong with that.

If you shove someone from behind by surprise, most people will stumble a few feet and recover. This is an amazing phenomena. Why is this? Why are humans so incredibly good at instantly regaining balance?

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