Notes on Cardiff
/Daniel Jaquet with your's truly.
I'm back from my trip to Germany and the UK with twice as much work to do than when I left. Fun, great people, challenging questions, new research, and lot's of teaching. I'm pushing forward with creating a production package to fund my next video. I'm helping plan the martial arts and theater part of the Daoist Studies Conference in Paris (May 17-19). I'm writing another ground breaking paper on Tai Chi (the publication date for the last one has been pushed to January 2017). I've got marketing to do for workshops in San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans, and Virginia. The print version of my book is close, but needs some tweaks. I'm innovating more games based internal martial arts and self-defense curriculum. I'm getting started on the next book, which is all about baguazhang. In other words, I have lots of free time. I will give a more thorough update on the Martial Arts Studies Conference soon, but until then...
The always charming Graham Barlow did a nice write-up of the Conference in Cardiff, which features a few images from my talk. Check it out! I'm looking forward to his presentation next year.
Also watch this brief but awesome video and make sure you have the sound up, it is the king of the king's guard of the Maori people finishing up his keynote address at Cardiff, and giving a weapon he made from a 400 year old tree to the conference organizer Paul. (If that link doesn't work, the video is on Facebook in the Martial Arts Studies group--posted by Pablo HB).