Happy Year of the Pig (2019)
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Hhmmm…what to say about the pig year. It’s kind of a divination year. How will it go? Nobody knows. Certainly a great year to take up orderly conduct and tighten up those schedules. It is the best of all twelve years for general socializing, don’t hesitate to expand your network. Its worth betting on big projects because the chance element of this year is favorable for multiplying. Yes, like having lots of babies. But in this case your babies may be artistic projects. Whatever you do, try to stay out of politics, it is mudslinging year.
The nose of the pig, the first few months, is a great time to acquire something of great quality, because you’ll be able to sniff it out. The middle of the pig is huge, expect abundance in the summer. The end of the pig is a little squiggly tail, so watch out for illnesses and don’t be surprised by all the twists and turns. Finally, the pig year is good for sexual expression (not as good as the snake, but second best). Get out on the dance floor and shake it!