Camp Mountain
/This mountain retreat is an informal backpacking experience in the Stanislaus Mountains just north of Yosemite. We will practice Zhan zhuang and internal martial arts every morning. Nothing else will be planned! Eat when you want to eat, swim when you want to swim, fight when you want to fight, wander off at will. If there are too many mosquitos we will move our practice to after 10 PM in the moonlight.
Meet at the Crab-tree Trailhead on Monday, July 30th at 12 Noon and we will head-out! Each person is responsible for their own food and gear. Before we leave you will receive a list of basic gear to bring and ideas about how to pack food for 7 days. I will supply topographical maps and experience of the area. Beginning backpackers are welcome! Also, there are many ways to borrow or buy cheap gear - if you need something, talk too me. I will help coordinate car pooling as well.
Cost: 7 days of training - $200
To reserve your spot, send a check to:
Scott P. Phillips
953 Dewing Ave., Lafayette, CA 94549
Feel free to email or call 415.200.8201 to discuss details.