Bite Me vs. Don't Bite Me
This is a simple post. I just want to say that fighting is an animal thing. At times it is a form of base communication. The line between fighting and communicating is unconscious and blurry. Most of the violence people in the modern world have experience with is fighting 'as communication.' Think: bar fights, domestic violence, siblings, gang wars, arguments gone bad, police submission holds, and ring fighting.
When someone you don't know creeps up behind you and hits you with a big club it could be communication. Often times it isn't, but if one tribe is trying to communicate to another tribe that you have crossed into their territory, then it was indeed an attempt at communication--it's just that they don't care if you personally understand, since you have a high probability of dying.
Likewise if you see the knife before they stick it in, there is a good chance that some form of communication is intended. If you don't see it, it may simply be a killing for pleasure, or survival, or to rob you. But it could also be that your death is meant to send a message to you boss.

My question is, can you tell by the person's posture if they are trying to communicate? Rory Miller pointed out that there are certain types of predators who want you to believe they are communicating because it keeps you in your social mind. At least some of these predators are able to fake the physicality of communication. Their goal is to get you in a very vulnerable position.
But that leads to another question, can we train to recognize when we are personally taking on the physicality of communicating? To me this is a way of defining a "go" button. A "go" button is a line of behavior or circumstance that you have pre-thought out in your mind so that when you see it, you go straight to fighting mode.

If you start fighting while you are still communicating, you are probably stopping yourself from using full power.
The two base communication poses in fighting are "bite me" and "don't bite me," they are ancestral dominance and submission gestures. The "don't bite me" pose is actually a good flinch response if you are being pounced on by an animal with a big mouth trying to bite your neck.
The twist in the neck or torso of the "bite me" pose is supposed to vulnerable. That's the point of it, but it is unconscious, so if you think you are dominating in a fight you're probably doing the "bite me" pose-- and it's de-powering you.
Even training a form all by yourself, the "bite me" and "don't bite me" communication poses are likely to creep into your movement all the time. That's the simple reason so many martial arts schools are constantly repeating the need to sink your shoulders. They are saying in effect "Drop the 'don't bite me' message because it is reducing your power."
I might even go a little further. The physicality of Wuwei communicates nothing.