The Cat Walk
It was raining hard the other morning so I did my practice inside and I really got into working on the cat walk. I've got these walks down: the dog, the bunny, the monkey, the phoenix, the crab, the dragon and probably a bunch of others I'm not thinking of right now. But the cat has been tough. This is the Paulie Zink Daoyin I'm talking about here, and he showed me the scared cat, the cat licking, and the stretching cat but not the walking cat. It's hard to walk like a cat! But it's only a matter of time and deduction before I get it. After all I have Xinyi cat-washes-his-face practice to help me. So I was doing some experimenting and I realized that the cat prowling is different than the cat walking, and the prowl started happen for me. Cats have a narrow ribcage and they walk with a really narrow base.
After practice I went on-line looking for videos of cats walking and I found this amazing study, "Whole Body Mechanics of Stealthy Walking in Cats," comparing the way cats and dogs walk! Here is a summary, but check out the study link it's got so much juicy content and equations too. Make sure you watch the videos. (I couldn't figure out how to embed them, but I used a program I have called VLC to watch them with out any trouble.)
Here is what I got from the article. Dogs (and by inference, humans) walk in an very efficient way. (Wolves must be even more efficient, George Xu told me to practice like a wolf running in the sky! --One movement, three hours, not get tired!) Prowling cats on the other hand are 100% inefficient! They use absolutely no forward momentum. Well, that's what happens when you practice xinyi, taijiquan or baguazhang walking with whole-body shrinking-expanding emptiness too. The momentum happens when you pounce or strike, not in the walk.
The article poses "a tradeoff between stealthy walking and economy of locomotion." My opinion, as far as humans go, is that we can master both if we return to the source of walking. Walking is a trance, an extremely complex trance. When we walk we are doing something on the order of the mental complexity required for visualizing a Tibetain Tanka in perfect detail and animating ourselves in it! This is what Daoyin, real Daoyin, is supposed to do. It takes you all the way back to the origins of movement, where all movement inspirations come from.