
Appetite and desire, what's the difference?

Yes and O.K., what's the difference?

Jing and Qi, how can we differentiate them?

When we give a name to something which is subtle and difficult to discern, we risk obscuring it, even losing it, because the hardness or fixedness of the name shines light on something which only exists in the dark.  This isn't an argument against naming, only a reminder that naming is a kind of aggression.

Chapter 15 (Wangbi numeration) of the Daodejing,

The ancient masters of the Way

aimed at the indiscernible

and penetrated the dark

you would never know them

and because you wouldn't know them

I describe them with reluctance

they were careful as if crossing a river in winter

cautious as if worried about neighbors

reserved like guests

ephemeral like melting ice

simple like uncarved wood

open like valleys

and murky like puddles

but a puddle becomes clear when it's still

and stillness becomes alive when it's roused

those who treasure this Way

don't try to be full

not trying to be full

they can hide and stay hidden

This translation is by Red Pine and I think it is great.  He also translates commentaries on all the chapters, like this one by Ho-Shang Kung, "Those who aren't full are able to maintain their concealment and avoid new attainments."

What a contrary piece of advice:  Avoid new attainments.

What does someone who is "empty" look like?  Well, like they are walking on slippery thin ice without breaking it--very light, very delicate, precise with out being confident.

I think the phrase, "worried about neighbors" means attentive in all four directions.

Guests wait to be invited into action but help out generously if they are needed.

Melting ice is always becoming less.

The uncarved wood here is like big pieces of lumber, it is very useful but it is in a potencial state, uncommitted.

To practice being empty is a Daoist precept.  In martial arts emptiness seems like a pinnacle of achievement, but then I read this I'm reminded that fullness is hard to give up.

Empty and full, what's the difference?