Traditional Chinese Subjects

All Traditional Chinese subjects have three types of teaching:
A.  Outer: can be memorized, learned by watching, holds to a standard
B.  Inner: must be taught, transmitted-- requires sufficient qi (time) and jing (distillation) in order to learn.
C.  Secret: That which reveals view, inspiration, and manifests fruition.

For instance, the study of Poetry:
A.  Committed to memory (jing)
B.  Explored, investigated, animated (qi)
C.  Found, through experience or intimacy: Embodied (shen)

In lineage and classical traditions (think classical music or dance), curriculum is understood as the "outer" standard which is committed to memory.  From there with the expertise of a mentor and plenty of time that curriculum becomes animated and skillful, but it does not yet an artist make.  To be an artist means to truly be at play with inspiration, manifestation, and vision.