Shrimp Soldiers and Crab Generals

Shrimp Soldiers and Crab Generals

"Shrimp Soldiers and Crab Generals" is one of the Chinese Four-Character Sayings which in this case means: Ineffective, or Numerous Underlings. Shrimp Soldiers and Crab Generals make appearances in numerous Chinese plays, like Journey to the East, which is about the Eight Immortals. But these creatures came to my attention because I have been studying Nezha, who fights shrimps and crabs in Fengshenyanyi (the Canonization of the Gods), which was one of the most popular plays for performance. It was also probably the most important source of the general public's knowledge about Daoism.

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Happy Lunar New Year 2018


I should be telling you about the upcoming Earth Dog Year which starts on February 15th. But what is there to tell? Train your puppy carefully in the first few months, and it should be a smooth and uneventful year. Loyalty pays off big time in an Earth Dog Year. Make new friends and be bold in relying on old ones. Get plenty of exercise, and learn some new tricks. If you do not have a clear plan for the year already established, there is a danger of getting distracted. So discipline is a must--especially for artists and scientists. Balance more responsibility with more play.

From Our Endless Video Library

This video shows the links to Lotus Hands from North Indian Classical Dance (Kathak), as well as liuhexinyi. 

This next video shows the tight connection between history, Chinese opera, film, and martial arts. Wong Fei Hung was real person who is credited with ending opium addiction in South China, among other things, he became a mythic kungfu hero. Numerous films have been made about him. And to top it all off, his wife, his real wife, is doing kungfu in the video below, in an opera costume on a movie set. Hat Tip to Practical Hung Kyun

Reversing Shaolin

Reversing Shaolin

Here is a superb scholarly description of jindan. It is a preview of an essay by the dearly departed queen of Daoist studies Isabelle Robinet (very thoughtfully translated by Fabrizio Pregadio).

As you can see, internal martial arts are simply the application of jindan to martial skills. I am using different language than Robinet to say the same thing. Basically, once you create the correct order of perception-action then you start reversing things.

Here is a list of some of the things we might think about reversing.

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Four Elements of Pure Internal Martial Arts

Four Elements of Pure Internal Martial Arts

Having studied for so many years with George Xu, he has had an influence on me.  He is constantly come up with new lists defining Internal Martial Arts. These lists are sometimes things to practice, sometimes definitional concepts, sometimes just weird. 

Anyway, at the moment I have a clear vision of what defines Internal Martial Arts so I am sharing it.

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The Legend of the Condor Heroes

The entire series of Legend of the Condor Heroes by Jin Yong is right here on Youtube for free with English subtitles. I have heard it is good, but I have not watched it yet. If you do, please leave some review comments below. 

There is a new translation of it in the works.

The background to this epic collection of Wuxia stories is fascinating. After the Boxer Uprising, there was a massive effort to eliminate martial arts, religion and theater because the way they were mixed together was blamed for China's humiliation at the the hands of foreigners and the main source of the "Sick Man of Asia" concept. But then Jingwu and similar movements in religion and theater figured out they could follow the Western model and separate theater, martial arts, and religion. For martial artists this was a huge struggle. Because what are martial arts without story and morality and aesthetics? They are nothing and not worth giving a second thought. Just get a gun. Anyway, Jin Yong was at the the center of the movement to re-think this problem. He created a whole new set of stories and mythology to go with the Martial Arts. The characters were not entirely new, but the stories were. They got rid of a the more offensive characters from Chinese Opera that were the original source of "the problem." They handle religious issues as fantasy. Which was a big step, because they did not want people believing that Martial Arts would make them bullet proof. 

It is also interesting from a Jungian Psychology point of view. It was like the new stories Yin Jong and other wrote, came from the Chinese Collective Unconscious. Such a cool idea when you dig down into it. Enjoy. 

Can You See Neigong?

Can You See Neigong?

Check out this Video of Yao Yue doing Yiquan in Paris. The video is not embeddable so I hope it stays up there. (it came from this wonderful website )

What is happening? They are both leaning in using a moving A-frame structure. Confucius said, "If I show the student one corner of the square and he does not show me the other three, I change the subject." What are the other three? The A-frame is the most common type of counterbalance. If one of them were to suddenly disappear, the other would stumble forward. The reason people use this...

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