Science as a Political Religion

There are good definitions of science, but none that are used across numerous different sciences. Each science defines its own boundaries. The Karl Popper slogan is one of the more popular attempts to universalize science: "A theory in the empirical sciences can never be proven, but it can be falsified, meaning that it can and should be scrutinized by decisive experiments." But how often do scientists live up to that ideal?

China has had a lot of difficulty with science. It did not develop organically in China, it was imported with a political agenda. More importantly it has been twisted together with Nationalism. Authoritarianism, Modernism, and Religion. That is true in other places too, to some extent, but in China it is a bit extreme. I am certain that there are superb scientists working in China. But I'm also certain that Chinese culture has a data falsification problem that holds it back. And then there is the massive problem of science as the religion of the state. To get a picture of this, read the short article linked below from Supchina (which is itself a weird site worth digging around in a bit):

Taoist Ceremony At A Nuclear Site Betrays The ‘Spirit Of Science’

"...The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the country’s most established scientific institution, apologized (in Chinese) on Monday, April 30, for hosting a Taoist ritual at the foundation ceremony for a nuclear power station in Wuwei, Gansu Province. CAS also announced the suspension of two employees who were in attendance but failed to terminate the religious ceremony..."


Appetite for Sleep

Appetite for Sleep

There are so many good moments in this Joe Rogen Interview with Matthew Walker about Sleep, listen to the whole thing. It is long, I listened to it over three days while I was preparing dinner. He uses the language construction of my Daoist teacher Liu Ming at one point, 'sleep is an appetite.' Liu Ming talked a lot about appetites, the four primary appetites are: sleep, rest, exercise, and food. Then there are things like sex, adventure, killing, and intellect.

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Details of the Pure Internal Neigong Workshop this Friday

Details of the Pure Internal Neigong Workshop this Friday

I am teaching a new workshop this Friday 5-7 PM in Berkeley, California at Soja Martial Arts.

How I developed this new material

In that last few years I figured out how the Daoist meditation practice called the Golden Elixir (jindan) is connected to Internal Martial Arts. The golden elixir practice develops something called the Immortal Egg. This egg is a real thing. It is a re-ordering of perception-action. In simple terms, it is a different (some would say primal) way of initiating movement. The result of working with this idea/practice has profoundly changed my martial arts. 

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